We constantly look for excellent candidates to join the HyCoDeV Team. Highly-qualified and self-motivated candidates are encouraged to apply as soon as possible.
Sadegh Soudjani always looks for excellent PhD students interested in model-based and data-driven analysis of cyber-physical systems (e.g., autonomous systems modeled with dynamical equations). The main focus will be on the formal verification and synthesis of (stochastic) hybrid systems, i.e., dynamical systems exhibiting mixed discrete and continuous behaviour under the influence of uncertainty. Depending on the interest and background of candidates, research will include topics from control theory, probabilistic methods, logic, and machine learning.
Candidate profile: Should have strong background in Control Theory, Computer Science, Mathematics, or closely related fields. Should have solid programming skills in Matlab/C++/Python. Should have completed, or are about to complete, a Bachelor's or Master's degree in the above-mentioned areas
The interested candidate should contact Dr Sadegh Soudjani, the SymAware Coordinator, at sadegh@mpi-sws.org with their full application materials.